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Email Aliases

If you have questions about the ActiveScripting Organization or Summit Software company, please send email to .

If you would like to suggest something to us privately, you can use the address .

If there seems to be some technical problem with the web site itself, please notify

Bug Reports

If you are a developer, and you would like to report a bug in the source code distributed by, please use the address .

Mailing Lists

The mailing lists described here are for developers, not for end-users. These lists are for discussions related to the source code for the ActiveScripting projects such as ActiveScripting-Apache, by and for the ActiveScripting developer community.

When new source releases become available, they will be announced here. This is a low-volume, moderated mailing list , for announcements only (not discussions.)

This mailing list is for discussions about the ActiveScripting for Apache project, by and for the developers working with the source code.

This mailing list is for discussions about the ActiveScripting for Mozilla project, by and for the developers working with the source code.

How To Subscribe

You may  subscribe to one of the mailing lists by sending mail to with the appropriate command. For example, to subscribe to the mailing list called , you would send mail to with text in the body of your email message as follows:

subscribe <your email address>

How to Unsubscribe

You may unsubscribe from one of the mailing lists by sending email to with text in the body of your email message as follows:

unsubscribe <your email address>

If you have trouble unsubscribing, it is almost certainly because you are using a different email address than the one with which you subscribed. If you continue to have problems, . Do not mail the list.
